a place where you can read, hear, and watch my expression.. about me, my life and everything.. enjoy..

Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011

A Final Destination

I don't know whether that was a good decision or not? But, Finally, I watched Final Destination 5..with.. no one. Yups. Alone.

I watch all the series so far, so when it played in the cinema I feel like I want to watch it. The problem is, I don't think any of my friend wants to watch it also. Okay, I know that the stories of all the sequels are similar. The differences between them are the beginning of the death chain and the way they die. Without knowing something (the trailer) about this final sequel I finally decided to watch it this afternoon.

As expected, of course there will be many death scene, which is very sadistic and sometimes doesn't make sense. Don't ever watch this movie if you are afraid of blood, because bloods are everywhere here. And beware, maybe after watching this movie you maybe paranoid. I don't recommend you to watch this before doing LASIK operation, acupuncture or having a long trip through a suspension bridge. Haha. Just kidding. It's all up to you. :)

Although I don't believe about the story was, I mean the death chain and how it works. This film is kind of reminds me about death. It can be happen anytime, anywhere. Only Allah who Knows it. We as a human can only do our best in life. Prepare everything before the death come to us. Because everyone are going to die one day.

"Sesungguhnya Allah, hanya pada sisi-Nya sajalah Pengetahuan tentang hari kiamat; dan Dia-lah yang Menurunkan hujan, dan Mengetahui apa yang ada dalam rahim. Dan tiada seorang pun yang dapat mengetahui (dengan pasti) apa yang akan diusahakannya besok. Dan tiada seorang pun yang dapat mengetahui di bumi mana ia akan mati. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Mengenal" (QS. Al-Lukman 31:34) 

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