a place where you can read, hear, and watch my expression.. about me, my life and everything.. enjoy..

Senin, 06 Januari 2014

26 is my age

"Happy birthday to me.. Happy birthday to me.. Happy birthday.. Happy birthday.. Happy birthday to me.."

Udah 26 tahun aja.
Alhamdulillah selama 26 tahun hidup di dunia, begitu banyak nikmat yang Allah berikan hingga saat ini.

Oh, I haven't tell you that I'm no longer single lady now. Dulu, kalo ada yang tanya mau nikah umur berapa? I always said that I want to get married when I am 25 years old. And, it happened. Alhamdulillah, Allah telah mempertemukan saya dengan pasangan hidup saya. And.. Welcome new responsibilities..!

Di usia yang makin berkurang ini, I just hope that I keep being a better version of me day by day. :)